
Handbags by Grace Profits are contributed to the following:

50% of all Handbags by Grace profits go to:  Wycliffe Bible Translators,
supporting the ministry of Devin and Charity Schlote.

Papua New Guinea is a land of over 800 languages; over 300 of those still need a translation project. Please join in praying for Devin and Charity, and the people groups on this island. So many have never heard of the Savior who came to them. Pray for an end to tribal fighting, revenge killing, and sorcery-related violence. Pray for unity of the Spirit across isolated and diverse church communities. And pray that Devin and Charity will be productive in presenting the gospel and translating the Bible into the Kapriman and the Yangum Dey languages. God’s word changes lives.

25% of profits May thru October to:  Pitkin Colorado Fire Dept EMT Fund.

I’m alive today because of the dedication, experience, wisdom and intervention initially provided by the Pitkin Colorado Fire Department EMTs in June of 2015.  After many weeks in hospitals, six surgeries, with lots of support and encouragement from my good husband, family, and friends, but mostly by the Grace of God, I’m leading a full and happy life—no small part of which is designing and making these handbags.  I can never, ever thank the EMT volunteers of the Pitkin Fire Department enough. Never. May God bless you gentlemen.

25% of profits to: Gospel for Asia

What is Gospel for Asia doing?

Today, GFA-supported national missionaries and students are involved in sharing the love of Christ and Sunday school ministry among leprosy patients. They also do social and relief work such as food distribution, medical aid, health and hygiene awareness programs, adult education and tutoring centers for children.

GFA provides leprosy patients:

  • Nourishing meal each day
  • Medical treatments so their wounds can heal faster
  • Custom shoes for their disfigured and hurting feet
  • Hygiene supplies

In many of the colonies, fellowship groups of new believers have sprung up, and some of these have already become churches. The believers of one church recently had the joy of sending the first young man from their colony to one of our Bible colleges to prepare for full-time ministry.  100% of all donations to Gospel for Asia preferenced for use on the mission field are sent to the mission field.
